Submission Guidelines

Some important rules first:

Work must be previously unpublished
One submission per quarterly issue
Absolutely no profanity or politically slanted material
Call us old fashioned, but we prefer not to receive work that is full of hatred and anger - emotion is
     fine, but poetry and narrative that targets one person with venom is not for us.
We accept simultaneous submissions, but is is the writer's responsibility to notify us if a piece
     is accepted by another publication.

What we accept:

Short Stories - 1000 to 2500 words
Flash Fiction - 500 to 1000 words
Creative Nonfiction (essays with heart and soul) - up to 2500 words
Poetry - up to 5 poetry submissions
Photography that highlights a pathway, doorway, or something that begs to be opened. We also accept photography for the interior that is less restrictive.

If your work is accepted for publication:

Each writer or photographer, prior to being published online and/or in print, must sign a release granting one time rights for publication in one quarterly issue. All rights revert back to the author after publication online and/or in print.

Please note: This journal does not generate any profits for the publishers, so we currently do not have the resources to pay for submissions either in money or copies of the print issue. As our organization grows over the years, this may change.


Please send all correspondence and submissions to: