Sunday, December 13, 2015

Getting ready for the Winter 2015/2016 issue!

We've already received multiple submission for our next issue - they are currently under review.

Please submit your photos (remember, doorways and pathways for the cover), creative non-fiction, fiction, and poetry.

Please review the submission guidelines, then send your submissions to:

Monday, October 19, 2015


A big thank you to all the creative people who submitted work to this magazine. I has now been published and is available.

Here are the authors and artists who appear in Fall 2015 issue of Literary Brushstrokes magazine (in alphabetical order):

Steven Babin, Bob Carlton. Yuan Changming, Jack Coey, Miriam Foley, A.J. Huffman, Michael C. Keith, Philip King, Mitchel Krockmalnik Grabois, Thomas Larsen, Stephen McQuiggan, Terry Sanville, Leah Van Vaerenewyck, Stephen Wechselblatt

Big round of applause to you all!

Sunday, October 18, 2015

On the home stretch.....

The mock up of the final issue has been created and printed for final proof-reading. By 7pm on 10/19, the final issue will go to press.

Thank you everyone for your patience!

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Update: We are back up and running

The following letter was sent to authors and artists who submitted their work and had that work accepted:

Literary Brushstrokes recently suffered some setbacks. Other editors moved on to other things, as they should, since this is a non-paying operation with no income.  Our original web hosting service tried to take us to the cleaners, but gave just enough warning before we had to pay or be shut down, so that we could copy a lot of our original content – something we are still trying to recover from and bring our website back up in full with past issues, etc. This whole endeavor has come down to one editor and one trusted reader.

Unfortunately, many of you have made submissions that still need to be read and responded to, and those who received acceptances and agreements have not been able to enjoy seeing their work in print. For that I heartily apologize.

We thought we needed to recover completely before publishing our next issue, but see that is not the case at all. We need to be responsive and respectful to those who submit work.

Publishing is all about deadlines. We have set a new deadline to have an issue in print by mid-September, if not sooner.

Those who received acceptances, please notify us if your work is still available and you would like to see it published. Also notify us if you have published elsewhere. To those who have submitted your work and haven’t received a response yet, please send a withdrawal notice if you moved on elsewhere, or send us email that you are still interested.

Again, our sincere apologies.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Delay for next issue of Literary Brushstrokes

Unfortunately, we will not be producing an issue until the end of March or the beginning of April. Run almost exclusively by one person now who is working full time and teaching college at night, along with a few technical difficulties, have made producing the next issue nearly impossible.

We have some very talented contributors who have been patiently awaiting the next issue and for that we are grateful. However, please notify Literary Brushstrokes as soon as possible if you prefer to remove your work from consideration.

Sadly, until we are fully staffed again, we will likely taper down to two issues per year - one in the summer when teaching and grading are no longer an issue, and one in the winter during college winter break.

We will, however still come out with an issue soon, a spring issue.

Thank you for your patience.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

New Web Host, Same Web Site

Visitors will notice that, though our web address remains the same, our site has visibly changed! We've switched to a new web hosting site and are working diligently to update the new site.

Bigger news: we are currently working on getting a Winter 2015 issue of Literary Brushstrokes out. We hope to complete the issue by the end of the weekend.

Thank you to all of the writers who have submitted work for publication in the next issue!